Chemistry Core Facility
X-Ray Facility
The department’s X-Ray Facility in BE3.526 includes Bruker Single crystal X-ray Diffractometer and Powder Diffractometer.
- For more information, contact Dr. Monu Joy
NMR Facility and Software
- Bruker AVANCE II 400 MHz Spectrometer (RL 2.310) with Double Resonance Broad Band (BBO) Probes
- Bruker AVANCE III™ 500 Spectrometer (BE 2.414) with BBO and Triple Resonance Probes
- Bruker AVANCE III™ 500 Spectrometer (RL 2.736) with Cryo Probe
- Bruker AVANCE III HD 600 MHz NMR (BSB 11.537) equipped with
- BBO probe with VT capabilities
- 3.2 mm VTN Multinuclear Double Resonance Magic Angle Spinning probe for solid-state NMR capable of 24 kHz spinning speed.
- Mnova NMR data analysis software and license
Spectral and Mass Analysis Facility
- Agilent 7900 ICP-MS for trace metal analysis (SLC 3.302)
- Thermo iS20 FTIR (BSB 11.638)
- Agilent Cary 5000 UV-Vis-NIR (BSB 11.638) with DRA for reflectance, transmittance or absorptance measurements
- Agilent Cary 7000 UV-Vis-NIR (BSB 11.541) with UMA for absolute specular reflectance, transmission and scattering measurements
- Horiba Fluorolog fluorometer (BSB 11.541)
- Shimadzu Differential Scanning Calorimeter DSC-60A Plus
- Perkin Elmer Spectrum 3 ATR-FTIR
Access to Core Facility
External user
Samples can be submitted to Core Facility for analysis. For quote and additional information, please contact Hien Nguyen,
Hien Nguyen (BE3322)
The University of Texas at Dallas
800 W Campbell Rd
Richardson, TX 75080
Internal user
Please use button below to request access.
Other Non-Departmental Resources
Molecular and Protein Analysis Core provides support for spectroscopic and analytical work for proteins and polymers and is open to internal and external users.
Eugene McDermott Library Online has access to specific databases used by research groups within the department as well as subscriptions to research journals and periodicals.